Embarking on Our Trading Odyssey: The Journey Begins
Our mission is to redefine the landscape of professional trading by cultivating a new generation of traders equipped with a unique blend of knowledge, skills, and technology. We are committed to creating a platform that fosters innovation, embraces collaboration, and leverages expertise from diverse fields. Our focus is not just on trading success, but on developing a holistic approach that integrates advanced AI, deep fundamental analysis, and the wisdom of diverse disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, and computer science.
We aim to establish a community where learning, growth, and success are shared experiences. Through our dedicated training programs and the support of a collaborative environment, we seek to empower individuals who are ready to embark on a transformative journey in the world of trading. Our approach is rooted in the belief that the future of trading lies in the synergy of technology and human intelligence, guided by ethical practices and a commitment to continuous improvement.
As we chart this new course, our goal is to not only excel in trading but to also set new standards in trader education, market analysis, and community building. We envision a future where our trading desks are not just centers of financial activity but hubs of innovation and excellence, contributing positively to the global financial markets. This is our mission, and we invite you to join us in shaping a dynamic and prosperous future in trading.

Dedicated Community Site: We are delighted to announce that our dedicated community site has officially launched, marking a significant milestone in our journey to redefine professional trading. As of the first week of January 2024, the site is operational and ready to serve as a central hub for our burgeoning community.
Currently, the site is in its initial phase, running in test mode with content being actively developed and enriched. During this period, access to our community is by invitation only, allowing us to cultivate a focused and engaging environment. We encourage interested individuals to review our community chat rules and regulations and apply for access. Each application will be evaluated on an individual basis to maintain the integrity and purpose of our community.
This platform is not just a website; it's the foundation of our innovative approach to professional trading. It will be instrumental in providing information, facilitating updates, and fostering interaction among community members. We invite you to join us in this exciting venture, as we embark on reshaping the landscape of professional trading. Ovinet Community Site.
Accepting and Screening Interests: Simultaneously, we will start accepting expressions of interest from individuals eager to be part of this revolutionary journey. The selection process will involve interviews, but we're not just looking for professional traders. Our focus is on individuals with a strong interest and readiness to be molded into our new approach. We're keen on attracting talent from diverse fields such as engineering, AI, computer science, accounting, and mathematics - individuals who are looking to make a leap in their careers.
Setting Up Research and Trading Desks: Our plan is to establish two research desks, each with three active participants, and three trading desks, each with four participants. We're looking for people within our regional locality, Atlanta Georgia, as we are not equipped to support a virtual environment in this initial phase. A physical office will be set up, and all necessary equipment and services will be transferred to our new trading floor.
Selection and Training Process: Candidates will be chosen through a face-to-face interview, followed by a team approval process. Selected individuals will undergo three months of training and paper trading to acclimate them to our methodologies and tools. Based on performance in this phase, each trader will then be granted access to real money accounts, starting with $30,000 and potentially scaling up to $300,000 in phase 1 of the project. Profits will be shared equally among all company members after covering all operational expenses of the group.
Communication and Reporting: We will soon release an application process and provide regular updates on our website and live community platform. Our operational systems, running successfully for the past three years, will be leveraged to publish weekly market views and analysis, exclusively available to our community members through invitation. We strongly encourage active participation and feedback, as this journey is about creating something truly unique in the trading world.
Announcing Strategic Partnerships: As part of this venture, we will soon announce critical partnerships within the industry, further solidifying our position and commitment to this project.
In conclusion, every journey begins with a single step, and we are poised to take ours. We invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor, a blend of innovation, collaboration, and expertise aimed at forging the next generation of professional traders.